Anywhere in Kraków

Museums (66)

Oskar Schindler’s Enamel Factory

Where the tumultuous history of a world war meets everyday life, and private lives – a tragedy that affected the whole world. The factory at ulica Lipowa 4 was launched two years before...
ul. Lipowa 4

Park Etnograficzny w Wygiełzowie


Podgórze Museum

In 2018 Podgórze, an independent city since its 1784 charter, and a district of Kraków since 1915, opened its own museum. Its establishment involved local cultural institutions and...
ul. Limanowskiego 51

Polish Aviation Museum

A fascinating world of airborne machines amid the scenery of one of the oldest permanent airfields in Europe. The museum takes up some space and structures of the former Rakowice-Czyżyny...
al. Jana Pawła II 39

Pomorska Street

The cells of a former Gestapo prison preserved to this day constitute a site of national remembrance and a monument to all those who fought for free and independent Poland during occupations by...
ul. Pomorska 2
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