Dachshund March 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM

  • Sunday, September 11, 2016, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
  • Main Market Square
  • Barbican, Planty park, at the end of Floriańska Street, Planty u wylotu ul. Floriańskiej

Every year, in early September Kraków hosts an unusual pageant. Its main participants are no more than a foot tall, but they trot around proudly showing off their dazzling outfits, jauntily keeping up with their bipedal companions. On 11 September, the Dachshund Parade, organised by Radio Kraków and accompanied by a wind orchestra, strolls from the Barbican to the Main Market Square for the 22nd time. The procession culminates with a competition for the most splendid dachshund.

This year is more than just the colourful parade and competition emotions: the organisers are drumming up support for some of the saddest and most forgotten dogs – elderly pooches abandoned at shelters. The stage by the Town Hall Tower hosts the finale of the campaign “Improving a Dog’s Life”, during which Radio Kraków and its listeners searched for forever homes for senior canines, while one of the ten stands around the stage is accepting donations of dogfood for elderly mutts at shelters in Harbutowice and Łętkowice. You’ll also be able to seek help and advice for your four-legged friends from many experts attending the events at the Main Market Square. Dachshunds of Kraków (and elsewhere), unite! (bf)

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