Juliusz Słowacki Theatre – Miniatura Stage (The Machine House)

pl. Świętego Ducha 2

The Miniatura small stage of the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow was opened on 27 March 1976.

It was made to resemble a neo-Renaissance/Art Nouveau villa. Initially, it contained a power plant called 'the Machine House', built in 1893 for the exclusive use of the theatre. It was designed by Jan Zawiejski, the architect of the main building. In 1905, the theatre was connected to a municipal power station, and as a result, a paint shop was set up in the Machine House. Today, the Miniature is the most intimate stage space of the Słowacki Theatre. It is used for small stage forms (often performed by young artists), performative readings, as well as theatre and philosophical meetings  as part of the Art of Thinking series.

The building of the former power plant of the Municipal Theatre is one of the sights of the Krako­w Route of Technology.

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