Anywhere in Kraków

Museums (65)

Solvay Centre for Modern Art

ul. Zakopiańska 62

Galicia Jewish Museum

The museum saves from oblivion traces of the Jewish past in what used to be Galicia, and today lies in south-eastern Poland and western Ukraine. The museum is located in Kraków’s...
ul. Dajwór 18

Museum of Archaeology

The building of a former prison now contains an insight into the earliest history of Małopolska and transports us into the fascinating world of ancient Egypt. The most important exhibit,...
ul. Poselska 3

Esther's House, Ethnographic Museum

Temporary exhibitions Tickets: PLN 14/8
ul. Krakowska 46

Zwierzyniec House

Closed until further notice. We’ll be taken on a journey to the past with exhibitions and meetings revealing the traditions and history of one of the most fascinating of...
ul. Królowej Jadwigi 41
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